Des Moines, IA—Members of the Marshalltown Community College men's basketball team and the women's volleyball team participated in the 9th Annual Des Moines Buddy Walk to support GiGi's Playhouse, an organization that raises awareness for Down syndrome, on Saturday, August 24.
The MCC participants helped raise $770 dollars for Team Isabelle. Isabelle Brown is an eight-year old child with Down syndrome. The team helped exceed Isabelle's initial goal of $250. In total, 1,581 donors helped 454 fundraisers to raise $48,003 for GiGi's Playhouse.
"This was a tremendous opportunity for our program to bring awareness to an organization that means so much to our community," said men's head basketball coach Brynjar Brynjarsson. "GiGi's Playhouse has done a remarkable job over the years serving a great cause all over the world."
GiGi's Playhouse provides resources, specialized teaching, and support to individuals with Down syndrome, their families and community. The mission of GiGi's is to increase positive awareness of Down syndrome through national campaigns, education programs, and by empowering individuals directly affected.
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